[Top 75] Math Puns To Make You Feel Smart and Dumb Both

by Annie Rosy

Why was afraid of ? Because !
Cakes are round, but Pi are square.
Without geometry, life is pointless.
What polygon is also a card trick? Decagon
Who invented the round Table? Sir C^mference
An opinion without .14159 is just an opinion.
What’s purple and commutes? An Abelian grape.
[Top 75] Math Puns To Make You Feel Smart and Dumb Both
[Top 75] Math Puns To Make You Feel Smart and Dumb Both
Why did the two 4’s skip lunch? They already !
What did the zero say to the eight? Nice belt!
What’s the king of the pencil case? The rules.
What does the little mermaid wear? An algae-bra.
What do you call a destroyed angle? A Rect-angle.
What did al Gore play on his guitar? An algorithm
What is a bird’s favorite type of math? Owl-gebra
What is the first derivative of a cow? Prime Rib!
Three out of two people have trouble with fractions
Which triangles are the coldest? Ice-sosceles triangles.
What do you call an angle that is adorable? Acute angle.
What’s nonorientable and lives in the sea? Moebius D!¢K!
Why does nobody talk to circles? Because there is no point!
Why was the math book sad? Because it had so many problems.
Why did the polynomial plant die? Its roots were imaginary.
What did say to after beating him in a race? I’m fast U!
Why do plants hate math? Because it gives them square roots.
What is a math teacher favorite type of tree? A ‘Geome-tree’
How do you solve any equation? A multiply both sides by zero.
Math is like love; a simple idea, but it can get complicated.
What’s the integral of (/cabin)d(cabin)? A natural log cabin!
What’s yellow and imaginary? A square-root of negative banana.
Why couldn’t the angle get a loan? His parents wouldn’t Cosine
What’s the difference between a diameter and a radius? A Radius.
A circle is just a round straight line with a hole in the middle.
Why is the obtuse triangle always upset? Because it is never right.
What do you call a man who spent all summer at the beach? A tangent
Why is the Rational Root Theorem so polite? It minds its p’s and q’s
Why didn’t the number get into the nightclub? Because he is square
Old mathematicians never die; they just lose some of their functions.
What do you get if you cross a math teacher and a clock? Arithma-ticks!
Why did the obtuse angle go to the beach? Because it was over 90 degrees
Parallel lines have so much in common.. It’s a shame they’ll never meet.
What do you call a snake after it drinks five cups of coffee? A hyper boa.
What did the student say when the witch doctor removed his cures? Hexagon.
Why didn’t the Romans find algebra very challenging? Because X was always 10
Why don’t you do arithmetic in the jungle? Because if you add + you get ate!
Why is beer never served at a math party? Because you can’t drink and derive.
Why is Ms. Radian such a good reporter? She covers the story from every angle.
What does a mathematician do about constipation? He works it out with a pencil.
What do you call it when a mathematician’s parrot hasn’t been fed? Poly”no meal”
What happened to the indeterminate form that got sick? It had to go to l’Hospitar.
Why didn’t Bob drink a glA$$ of water with pieces of ice in it? It was too cubed.
Why did the statistician drown while crossing a river? It was feet deep… on average.
What did one Calculus book say to the other? Don’t bother me I’ve got my own problems!
What is a French mathematician’s favorite pick up line? “Voulez vous Cauchy avec moi?”
There are three kinds of people in the world, those who can count and those who can’t.
What do you call a teapot of boiling water on top of mount everest? A high-pot-in- use.
How does a mathematician call his dog? Cauchy, because it leaves a residue at every pole.
Why did the 30-60-90 triangle marry the 45-45-90 triangle? They were right for each other
Write the expression for the volume of a thick curst pizza with height ‘a’ and radius ‘z’
Dear algebra, please stop asking us to find your X. She’s never coming back and don’t ask Y.
What is the definition of a polar bear? A rectangular bear after a coordinate transformation.
Dear math, please grow up and find solve your own problems; I’m tired of solving them for you.
What do you get if you divide the cirC^mference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter? Pumpkin Pi
Why was the calculus teacher bad at baseball? He was better at fitting curves than hitting them.
Why did the student get upset when his teacher called him average? It was a ‘mean’ thing to say!
How do you know that your dentist studied algebra? She said all the candy gave me exponential decay.
What’s the contour integral around Western Europe? Zero, because all the Poles are in Eastern Europe!
Philosophy is a game with objectives and no rules, mathematics is a game with rules and no objectives.
Why didn’t the chicken cross to the other side of the inequality? It couldn’t get past the boundary line.
How does a mathematician induce good behavior in her children? ‘I’ve told you n times, I’ve to you n+ times…
What is the difference between Ph.D in mathematics and a large pizza? A large pizza can feed a family of four.
How can a fisherman determine how many fish he needs to catch to make a profit? By using a cod-ratic inequality.
Two random variables were talking in a bar. They thought they were being discrete but U heard their chatter continuously.
ClA$$ification of mathematical problems as linear and nonlinear is like clA$$ification of the university as bananas and non-bananas
Why do you rarely find mathematicians spending time at the beach? Because theyhave sine and cosine to get a tan and don’t need the sun!

About Annie Rosy

Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.

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