[Top 20] Victorian Pick Up Lines that will take you in 1800s

by Annie Rosy

I’d queue at Chin Chin for you.
News_Image_File: Ahhhhh … s**t.
Your eyes are shining! Brain fever?
I’ll love you until Fletcher retires.
I’ve got five thousand pounds a year.
You like Underbelly? Want to see mine?
If you were a carriage, you’d be a hansom.
[Top 20] Victorian Pick Up Lines that will take you in 1800s
[Top 20] Victorian Pick Up Lines that will take you in 1800s
Without you I’m lost like a cabbie on the Calder.
Want to use my myki? You can touch me off any time.
Do you have a S#xtant? Because I’m lost in your eyes.
Are you from Andover? Would you ‘andover your address?
Have you read Madame Bovary? Wanna go for a carriage ride?
Your skin is like alabaster….your leeches must work overtime!
Do I have scarlet fever, or is it you who is making me so delirious?
Yes, that is a souvlaki in my pocket. But I’m also pleased to see you.
Are you on your way to a fancy dress ball? Because you look like an angel.
I’m looking for someone to sweep my chimney, and I like the look of your brush.
That dress is very becoming on you. But then, if I were on you, I would also be highly aroused to the point of paroxysm.
And what if an adventurous Victorian woman happens to see a gentleman she likes? Perhaps she might use one of these winning lines.

About Annie Rosy

Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.

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