Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he looked out the window and got arrested for mooning.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he has nightmares about himself
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when your mom kicked him out of the house the police arrested him for littering.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly i thought he was yo momma!!!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly they shot a film called “Gorrilas in the Mist” in his shower.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly That your Mother takes him to work each day so she doesn’t have to kiss him goodbye…
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he was born the doctor slapped his Mama!
[Top 100] Yo Daddy Is So Ugly Jokes
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he looks like he’s been in a dryer filled with rocks.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he could scare the flies off a $h!t wagon.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he tried to take a bath and the water jumped out!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that they didn’t give him a costume when he auditioned for Star Wars.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that you have to tie a steak around his neck so the dog will play with him!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that they push his face into dough to make gorilla cookies.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he was born, the doctor slapped him AND his parents!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he threw a boomerang and it wouldn’t even come back.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that his pillow cries at night.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he moved into the projects, all his neighbors chipped in for curtains.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that if he was a scarecrow, the corn would run away.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he was born he was put in an incubator with tinted windows.
Yo Daddy is so was such an Ugly baby that his parents had to feed him with a slingshot.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that… well… look at you !
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he looked at a lil girl and got arrested for murder
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he looked at his self in the mirror and his reflection ducked…
Yo Daddy is so Ugly its illegal for him to trick or treat
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he was born his mom asked if she could have a pet rock instead
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he went into a haunted house and came bacc out wit a job application
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he looked out the window the cops arrested him
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he makes dirt look clean
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he put his face in dough and made monster cookies
Yo Daddy is so Ugly hello kitty even says goodbbye
Yo Daddy is so Ugly people cross the street to avoid him but he’s so Fat he’s there too
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he scares even blind people
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when bob the builder looked at him he said i cant fix that!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he look in the mirror, it ducked!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he went inside a haunted house and came out with a application
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that even Rice Krispies won’t talk to him !!!!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he gives Freddy Krueger nightmares!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when I took Him to the zoo they said, “Thanks for bringing’ him back!”
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he was born the delivery room had tinted windows!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that his shadow ran away from him.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that your mama takes her to work with her so that she doesn’t have to kiss him goodbye.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he walks into a bank, they turn off the surveillence cameras.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he joined an Ugly contest, they said “Sorry, no professionals.”
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he joined an Ugly contest, they said “Sorry, no professionals.”
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he gets extra days to dress up for Halloween!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he walks in the kitchen, the rats jump on the table and start screaming.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he has years of bad luck just trying to look at himself in the mirror.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that it looks like he’s been bobbing for french fries.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he can look up a camel’s butt and scare the hump off of it.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that I took him to a haunted house and he came out with a job application.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that it looks like someone did the stanky leg dance on his face.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he made obama lose hope!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he scares blind people!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he couldn’t get laid in a monkey wh0®e house with a bag of bannanas
Yo Daddy is so Ugly the doctors are coming up to HIM asking if they can give him plastic surgery
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he look in the mirror his reflection ducks…
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he joined an Ugly contest, they said “Sorry, no professionals
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he joined an Ugly contest, they said “Sorry, no professionals
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he was speeding in the left lane the police tOld him to pull over. The police said , “You have a broken tail light” And he said “I know, Every time i look at it , it falls off”
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he walk past the zoo they scream animal on the loose.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly He looked out the window and the cops arrested him.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he makes hyenas cry
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he gets arrested for mooning every time he smiles
Yo Daddy is so Ugly the gOld fish crackers didn’t even smile back at him.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he looked out the window and got arrested for mooning
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he gives freddy nightmares
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he makes kids in wheelchairs run away
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he went to a beautician it took hours… to get a quote!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that’s not a receding hair line, that’s his hair running away from his face!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he threw a boomerang and it wouldn’t come back!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he makes kids in wheelchairs run away!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he climbed the Ugly ladder and didn’t miss a step.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he climbed the Ugly ladder and didn’t miss a step.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that his birth certificate contained an apology letter from the condom factory.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that his mom had to be drunk to breast feed him.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that even Rice Krispies won’t talk to her!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that just after he was born, his mother said “What a treasure!” and his Father said “Yes, let’s go bury it.”
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he goes to the therapist, she makes him lie on the couch face down.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he didn’t get hit with the Ugly stick, he got hit by the whole damn tree.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he didn’t get hit with the Ugly stick, he got hit by the whole damn tree.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he’d scare the monster out of Loch Ness.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he looks in the mirror it says “viewer discretion is advised.”
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that people hang his picture in their cars so their radios don’t get stolen.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he’s never seen himself ’cause the mirrors keep breaking.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he put the Boogie Man out of business!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly his pillow cries at night
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that he scares blind people away
Yo Daddy is so Ugly Bob the Builder looked at his and said “I CAN’T FIX THAT
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he bend down to reach for a quarter he looked like a retarded Ape!!
Yo Daddy is so Ugly that when he watched Star Wars Yoda’s lightsaver died
Yo Daddy is so Ugly every time he goes out the cops pick him up and return him to the zoo
Yo Daddy is so Ugly he threw a boomerang and I wouldn’t cone back.
Yo Daddy is so Ugly when he came from out the wound his mama looked at him and said “put him back in”
About Annie Rosy
Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.