[Top 50] Public Transport Subway, Metro Pick Up Lines!

by Annie Rosy

Let’s get out of here.
My your armpits have a nice aromaMetro
I love the way you grip that pole.
You make me want to Express myself.
You will meet a tall, dark straphanger.
Great giant suitcase. Is it a samsonite?
[Top 50] Public Transport Subway, Metro Pick Up Lines!
[Top 50] Public Transport Subway, Metro Pick Up Lines!
You rock my world. Or we just derailed.
*ding* doors are closing, legs are opening.
I am going to ask you out in … two … minutes.
Ride on this car of this train at this time often?
Since I met you, I’m on cloud 9th street F train.
Mind if I sit on your lap, my knees are suddenly weak?
[Top 50] Public Transport Subway, Metro Pick Up Lines! 2
[Top 50] Public Transport Subway, Metro Pick Up Lines! 2
We’re being off-loaded? Great, need some help getting off?
No track work needed here, you’re in fine shape, sunshine.
Hey, would you like to not get a meal in the subway some time?
What say we get together and Purell the $h!t out of our hands?
Due to a signal malfunction, I’m not sure if you’re interested?
I know, I stare at that ad everyday too. What does it mean to you?
Nope don’t worry I don’t need my little toe…unless you’re a podiatrist.
That piss smell definitely isn’t coming from you. Wanna get pie, cutie?
Wow those look like really sophisticated earphones; where’d you get them?
Yeah it is getting hot in this tunnel. Why don’t we take off a few layers?
I know I’m not supposed to panhandle, but I beg you to give me your number.
I read that book when I was stuck on the red line last Thursday. Good choice.
Girl, I understand if you want to take things slow – we can change to the local.
Is there a doctor on board because my bare left ring finger is caught in the door.
[Top 50] Public Transport Subway, Metro Pick Up Lines! 3
[Top 50] Public Transport Subway, Metro Pick Up Lines! 3
WATCH THE GAP where my heart used to be before you STOLE IT, you thief of the heart.
Oops I dropped my Express mid-tunnel, can you forgo your safety and pick it up for me?
The sign says if you see something, say something, so here goes: baby, I’m seeing stars.
Excuse me sir, there is no food allowed on the metro…unless it’s a romantic dinner for two
Is heaven missing an angel? Or is the MTA missing a very good-looking track work engineer?
Seeing as you just accidentally felt up my butt anyway, wanna take things to the next level?
You know, if we tell them we met here maybe they’ll let us get married on a metro car some day.
This is a message from the New York City Police Department: I’d like to stop and frisk with you.
No, please do lean on my fingers while I grasp this pole for balance. All the better to grope you with.
Why no, I certainly don’t mind that your crotch simply must rub on my A$$ because you can’t twist sideways.
Do you live on the orange line? Because if so we could save each other seats and make this a regular rendezvous.
I may have been waiting for this train for 20 damn minutes, but I’ve been waiting for a girl like you my whole life.
Yep, I crammed myself onto this car because I saw you through the glA$$ and wanted to check out your butt up close and personal.
You know if you set your gym bag on the floor then we can stare into each others eyes while we’re jolted back and forth into each other.
Remain alert and keep your belongings in sight at all times. I’m telling you this because I just stole a look at you, and now I want to make off with the entire package.

About Annie Rosy

Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.

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