Spanish Pick Up Lines To Learn How to Flirt in Spain!
by Annie Rosy
Si besarte fuera pecado, caminaría feliz por el infierno.
Si Cristóbal Colón te viera, diría: ¡Santa María, qué Pinta tiene esta Niña!
Si yo fuera azafata, te llevaría en mi avión, pero como no lo soy, te llevo en mi corazón.
Si tus ojos fueran el cielo y tu boca el mar, me gustaría ser el horizonte para poderte besar.
Quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar todos los días un diamante como tú.
Ojalá fueras bombero para apagar el fuego de mi deseo.
Ojalá la mitad de las estrellas brillaran tanto como tus ojos.
Spanish Pick Up Lines To Learn How to Flirt in Spain!
Me gustaría ser lente de contacto para que no pudieras sacarme tu mirada.
Hola, soy un ladrón, y estoy aquí para robar tu corazón (Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart.)
¿Hace calor aqui, o eres tù? (Is it hot in here or is it just you?)
Si la belleza fuera delito, yo te hubiera dado cadena perpetua. (If beauty was a crime, you would deserve life in prison.)
Crees en amor a primera vista, o debo pasarte otra vez? (Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by you again?)
Si te digo que tienes un cuerpo precioso,¿me lo restregaràs por la cara? (If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?)
¿Estás perdida? Porque al cielo hay un largo camino desde aquí.(Are you lost? Because heaven is a long way from here.)
¿Quieres bailar conmigo?(Would you like to dance?)
Tienes una sonrisa muy bonita.(You have a beautiful smile.)
¿Puedo comprarte una bebida?(Can I buy you a drink?)
Hola Acabo de esta realidad, pero usted busca mucho al igual que mi próxima novia. (Hi, I just realized this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend)
Si fuera superman te llevaría volando, pero como no lo soy te acompaño caminando. (If I was superman I would take you flying, but since I’m not I’ll walk you home.)
Si besarte fuera pecado, caminaría feliz por el infierno.English Meaning: If kissing you were a sin, I’d happily walk through hell.
Si el agua fuese belleza, tú serías el océano entero.English Meaning: If water were beauty, you’d be the whole ocean.
Si Cristóbal Colón te viera, diría: ¡Santa María, qué Pinta tiene esta Niña!English Meaning: If Christopher Columbus saw you, he’d say: Saint Mary, that girl looks incredible!
Si yo fuera azafata, te llevaría en mi avión, pero como no lo soy, te llevo en mi corazón.English Meaning: If I were a flight attendant, I’d carry you in my airplane, but since I’m not, I’ll carry you in my heart.
Si tus ojos fueran el cielo y tu boca el mar, me gustaría ser el horizonte para poderte besar.English Meaning: If your eyes were the sky and your mouth were the sea, I’d like to be the horizon to be able to kiss you.
Quisiera ser joyero para poder apreciar todos los días un diamante como tú.English Meaning: I’d like to be a jeweler to be able to appreciate every day a diamond like you.
Ojalá fueras bombero para apagar el fuego de mi deseo.English Meaning: If only you were a firefighter to be able to put out the fire of my desire.
Ojalá la mitad de las estrellas brillaran tanto como tus ojos.English Meaning: If only half of the stars in the sky shined as brightly as your eyes.
Me gustaría ser lente de contacto para que no pudieras sacarme tu mirada.English Meaning: I’d like to be a contact lens so you couldn’t take your eyes off me.
Perdí mi número. ¿Puedo tener el tuyo?English Meaning: I lost my number, can I have yours?
¿Puedo comprarte una bebida?English Meaning: Can I buy you a drink?
Tienes una sonrisa muy bonita.English Meaning: You have a beautiful smile
Si la belleza fuera delito, yo te hubiera dado cadena perpetua.English Meaning: If beauty was a crime, you would deserve life in prison.
Crees en amor a primera vista, o debo pasarte otra vez? English Meaning: Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by you again?
¿Estás perdido? Porque el cielo es un largo camino desde aquí.English Meaning: Are you lost? Because heaven’s a long way from here.
¿Cómo se siente al ser la más bella muchacha en esta sala? English Meaning: What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room?
Hola, soy un ladrón, y estoy aquí para robar tu corazón.English Meaning: Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart.
Hola, acabo de darme cuenta de que te pareces mucho a mi siguiente novia.English Meaning: Hi, I just realized this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend
Eres tan guapa que tu foto debería estar en el diccionario al lado de la palabra belleza.English Meaning: You are so beautiful that your photo should be in the dictionary beside the word beauty
Qué hace una estrella volando tan bajito?English Meaning: What is a shooting star doing flying so low?
Pasas tanto tiempo en mi mente, debería cobrarte el alquiler.English Meaning: You spend so much time on my mind, I should charge you rent.
Coge por la sombra, bombón. English translation: You better go into the shade, praline (candy)!
¿Estás perdido? Porque el cielo es muy lejos de aquí. English translation: Are you lost? Because heaven is very far from here.
¡Guapa! Apuesto a que te llamas Google, porque tienes todo lo que busco. English translation: Hey pretty! I bet your name is Google,because you have everything I am looking for.
¡Me pierdo en tus ojos, morena! English translation: I get lost in your eyes, brunette!
Qué Dios te guarde y me dé la llave! English translation: May God lock you up and give me the key!
NUNCAS digas NUNCA tampoco digas SIEMPRE pero dime que me quieres como NUNCA y para SIEMPRE. English translation: Never say never neither say always, but tell me that you love me like never before and for always.
¿Qué hace una estrella volando tan bajo? English translation: What is a star doing so low?
¡Guapa! ¡Por ti mato a un elefante a chancletazos! English translation: Pretty! For you I kill an elephant throwing my flip-flops at it!
Si todos los Angeles son como tu, me moria ahora mismo. English translation: If all the angels are like you, I’ll die right now.
¿Sabes que es lo más bonito de mis ojos? El reflejo de los tuyos. English translation: Do you know what the most beautiful thing about my eyes is? Your reflection.
Las estrellas estan enojadas con Dios, porque no las hicieron tan hermosas como te hicieron a vos. English translation: The stars are mad at God, because they weren’t made as beautiful as you. / The stars are angry with God, because he didn’t make them as beautiful as you.
Espero que te guste la fruta, bonita, porque yo soy tu media naranja! English translation: I hope you like fruits, pretty girl, for I am your better half!
¡Lo tuyo es un dos por uno, además de guapa eres simpática! English translation: You are two in one: You are not only very pretty but also nice!
Si tu cuerpo fuera cárcel y tus labios cadena, qué bonito lugar para pasar mi condena. English translation: If your body was a prison and your lips a chain, what a nice place it would be to serve my verdict!
¿De qué juguetería te escapaste?, ¡muñeco! English translation: From which toy store did you escape from, doll?
Si la belleza matara, tú no tendrias perdón de dios. English translation: If beauty would kill, you’d never have forgiveness from God.
Veneno que me dieras, veneno tomaba yo. English translation: If you gave me poison, I will take it.
Fíjate como es la ciencia que ahora hasta hacen bombones que andan. English translation: See how far science has come, now they can make pralines (candy) walk!
Si tu cuerpo fuera carcel y tus brazos cadenas, que bonito lugar para C^mplir condena. English translation: If your body were prison and your arms chains, what a wonderful place to serve my sentence.
En esta lluvia yo mojada y tu con tremendo paraguas! English translation: In this rain I’m soaked and you HAVE a huge umbrella!
Hola, soy el hombre de tus sueños. Alguien ha dicho que estaba buscando para mí. English translation: Hi, I’m Mr. Right. Somebody said you were looking for me.
¡Vaya! Mi madre nunca me dijo que las flores andaban! English translation: My God! My mother didn’t tell me that flowers could walk!
Si mi boca fuera un refresco, ¿te animarías a más? English translation: If my mouth was a soft drink, would you drink some more?
The translation is, “Hello, I am a thief, and I am here to steal your heart.” It is sure to intrigue any lady, especially if she has no idea what you’re saying. Deliver it with the intensity of The Princess Bride’s Inigo Montoya, and you’ll be golden.
ERES COMO UN SOL, SÓLO CON ACERCARME A TI ME DERRITO!(Try flattering her by saying “You’re like the sun, I only need to get close and I melt.” It’s a little more romantic than the others, so say it softly to heighten the mood.)
TANTAS CURVAS Y YO SIN FRENOS!(Try this one when you’re feeling bold and she looks interested. It means “All these curves, and I lack brakes!” It’ll make sure that you either race home with her or crash and burn along the way.)
SI LA BELLEZA FUERA PECADO TU NO TENDRÍAS PERDON DE DIOS.(If you need more flattery, try telling her “If beauty was a sin, God would not forgive you.” Gods tend to be pretty forgiving, so she has to be a real beauty for this to be true.)
SI AMARTE FUERA TRABAJO, NO EXISTIRIA EL DESEMPLEO.(Complimentary comedy can work wonders. This means “If loving you was a job, unemployment wouldn’t exist.” She won’t take it seriously, but it can make her laugh and open up a conversation.)
SI CRISTÓBAL COLÓN TE VIERA, DIRÍA: ¡SANTA MARÍA, QUÉ PINTA TIENE ESTA NIÑA!(When in doubt, try a pun. This means “If Christopher Colombus say you, he’d say ‘Saint Mary! That girl is stunning!” It works best with people who remember the names of Colombus’ ships, and explaining it is a great conversation starter.)
SI TUS OJOS FUERAN EL CIELO Y TU BOCA EL MAR, ME GUSTARÍA SER EL HORIZONTE PARA PODERTE BESAR.(Nothing sets the mood for love like nature, so if you’re outside, try saying “If your eyes were the sky and your mouth was the sea, I’d like to be the horizon so I could kiss you.”)
ME GUSTARÍA SER LENTE DE CONTACTO PARA QUE NO PUDIERAS SACARME TU MIRADA.(Don’t be too serious when you say this one. It means “I wish I was a contact lens so you couldn’t stop watching me.”)
¿CÓMO SE SIENTE AL SER LA MÁS BELLA MUCHACHA EN ESTA SALA?(This one works best if you sound genuinely curious when you say it. It means “How does it feel to be the most beautiful girl in this room?” If you say it seriously, you can make her feel great about herself.)
¿HACE CALOR AQUI, O ERES TÙ?(Some things transcend cultures, and you shouldn’t mess with the clA$$ics. This simply means “Is it hot in here, or is it just you?” Saying it in Spanish adds a touch of exotic charm, and thousands of men can attest that this line occasionally works.)
“CUIDADO PRECIOSA, TANTAS CURVAS Y YO SIN FRENO.”(This is translated as, “Careful, precious, so many curves and me with no brakes.” It is another excellent pick up line that will make her want to hear more from you, even if you don’t know another word of Spanish. Channel Antonio Banderas as Zorro if you want to give off an air of mystery.)
“¿CÓMO SE SIENTE AL SER LA MÁS BELLA MUCHACHA EN ESTA SALA?”(Translated, this line means, “What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in the room?” This line not only shows off your Spanish speaking skills,)
“¿PUEDO COMPRARTE UNA BEBIDA?”(This line translates as, “Can I buy you a drink?” Let’s be honest, this is a good pick up line in any language. If it’s a Spanish-speaking lady you’re approaching,she’ll think it’s cute that you made the effort. If it’s someone who doesn’t speak Spanish, she’ll be intrigued by your worldliness. You can’t lose)
About Annie Rosy
Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.
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