[Top 100] Soul Eater Pick Up Lines For Anime Lovers!
by Annie Rosy
You’re kawaii as hell.
Be the tsun to my dere
Gun DAM, you are FINE girl!
Ever been shukaku’d? (Gaara)
Do they make you in hug pillow?
I don’t mind fangirls. (Yugioh)
You activated my heart! (Yugioh)
[Top 100] Soul Eater Pick Up Lines For Anime Lovers!
You’re softer than a dakimakura boo
Hey girl! Wanna see my deck? (Yugioh)
Let’s go to Satisfaction Town (Yugioh)
Are you the Kyo to my Ani? (topkek m7)
Baby ill show you ALL 6 paths! (Naruto)
I’ll be Naruto for you Hinata. (Naruto)
How’d you like to see my kunai? (Naruto)
I equip Viagra to my Kuriballs! (Yugioh)
Show me your Bankai, big boy. (S#xe Kubo)
Are you Kanie Seiya, because you’re a ten.
I promise, I can always find a girls G-Force.
I’m damn good. Believe it! (Masashi Kishimoto)
I want to put you in face-down position. (Yugioh)
That’s not a kunai in my pocket, y’know. (Naruto)
There’s enough Ai in Jailbait for the both of us.
Gurl I would bang you like the end of Cowboy Bebop.
You seem a bit stiff, but I still got wood. (Yamato)
You can be my Henrietta and I will be your Guiseppe.
Sixteen point five… inches that is… (Kirigaya Kazuto)
Let’s find a quiet place to connect and form Voltron.
Roses are red, violets are blue, omae wa mo shindeiru
Can I buy you a health potion to get things in motion?
I’ve two of what most men…have only one of. (Akatsuki)
Want to join my harem? I’ll let you be the canon girl.
I can’t believe my little sister isn’t as cute as you.
I put the three in threesome…Un, Yeah, Baby! (Akatsuki)
Can I insert my deck into your duel disk slot? (Yugioh)
Kisame: My Samehada has never been this excited. (Naruto)
Why don’t we go back to my place and find my Dragonballs?
I’d find all seven dragonballs for you baby, and then some
I’d perform a human transmutation to see you one last time
Excuse me, is your name Hina? Because I think I’m in love.
Damn girl, I’m wanna give you that shinra tensei. (Naruto)
Are you a trap card? Because I’ve fallen for you. (Yugioh)
I’ll love you longer than all the Naruto episodes. (Naruto)
I’ll let you use my Death Note if you go on a date with me.
Orochimaru: Be my vessel, I want to be inside you. (Naruto)
Do you have any Uzumaki in you? Would you like some? (Naruto)
Is that a Pokeball in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
I don’t need to use byakugan to see into your heart. (Naruto)
Ooh, has anyone ever told you that you look just like Kirito?
Everybody calls me shark but you can call me tonight. (Yugioh)
They say Uzumaki have the strongest bodies. Believe it. (Naruto)
Ever notice how “End of Evangelion” and “Let’s Get It On” rhyme?
Your name must be Kimmimaro because you give me a boner. (Naruto)
I carry around my dead sister’s cell phone. Wanna sleep together?
Damn, girl, you must be a hollow. You make my zanpaku-to go bankai.
Zabuza: I’m one of the seven swordsmen, wanna be my sheath? (Naruto)
I’ve got nine tails, think you can take them all in one shot? (Naruto)
Naruto: I’ve got nine tails, can you handle them all at once? (Naruto)
Beauty is art. Art is a bang. Beautiful, I want to bang you. (Akatsuki)
Are you a tuner monster? Because you’re powering up my Syncro. (Yugioh)
Jutsu’s ain’t the only thing these hands are good for. (Naruto Uzumaki)
Is that obelisk in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? (Yugioh)
All the nubile lolis in my harem don’t think that I’m a complete loser.
Kakashi: I don’t use my fingers only for thousand years of pain. (Naruto)
Wall maria ain’t the only thing getting wrecked tongiht. (Colossal S#xan)
Girl when I see you, mokuton activates in my pants for no reason. (Naruto)
This drill ain’t the only thing that will be piercing the heavens. (Kamina)
Hey sweetie, they call me “White Lightning.” Care to find out why? (Yugioh)
I can ride a motorcycle and play a card game at the same time, hon. (Yugioh)
Hey Sasuke! How’d you like have your Throwing-knife in my Shuriken? (Naruto)
Shadow games are quite boring… how about playing with the lights on? (Yugioh)
My extensive Master Grade Gunpla collection is just proof of my magic fingers.
I give better tongue than Deidera. But you’ll have to see for yourself. (Naruto)
You can ride with me anytime baby and i’m not talking about motorcycles. (Yugioh)
Deidara: I don’t have tongues coming out of my hand for not hing you know (Naruto)
NeoTokyo must be in trouble, because I’m looking at an angel right. (Shinji Ikari)
Baby they call me Diedara because I’m going to explode all over your face (Naruto)
Hey baby! I m like rubix cube. The more you play with me the harder i get. (Naruto)
I’d trade an arm and a leg to get a piece of your phiosopher’s stone. (Edward Elric)
Roses are red, Foxes are clever. I like your butt, Let me touch it forever. (Yugioh)
They call me a terrorist, because I got this weapon of A$$ destruction. (Nine Twelve)
Im not Hashirama,but dreaming about you has made me master Morning Wood Style. (Naruto)
Tobi is good in bed. I can ‘Go At It’ for 72 hours straight without stopping. (Akatsuki)
Sometimes my friends call me Speed Racer, because adventure’s always waiting just ahead.
After all this is over, I’m going to have 99 virgins, but you won’t be one. (Nine Twelve)
I shall beat you to within an inch of your life…and then i am going to have you. (Akatsuki)
Infinite Tsukuyomi must have activated because you are everything I’ve dreamed of. (Naruto)
Why don’t you come over to my house so we can watch a little Sailor Moon to get in the mood?
Would you mind if i thirst my dark magician’s staff deep down inside your dark hole? (Yugioh)
Do you have a tampon I can put in my nostril? Because my nose started bleeding when I saw you.
Hashirama: I could show you a special kind of mokuton jutsu in private if you’d like. (Naruto)
heaven must be missing an angel, because I want to run away and cry for thirty minutes. (Shinji)
Hey girl want to do 25 episodes of blushing at eachother and then looking away? (Kimi ni Todoke)
Front Crowd isn’t my strongest style, but I’ve been told I’m a master at breaststroke… (Rin Matsuoka)
Girl have you mastered the Rasengan, because everytime your hand touches me you make me dizzy. (Naruto)
Do you like tentacles? Because i just drugged your beverage while you weren’t paying attention. (Akatsuki)
If you go out with me, I’ll treat you how I treat my Pocky. I’ll spend a lot of money on you, bring you home and finish you off within 5 minutes before I lay in bed crying myself to sleep.
I was just checking you out from across the room with my Sharingan. I came over because I notice your chakra use is limited, and well let’s just say I really know how to get your chakra flowing.
About Annie Rosy
Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.
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