Would you like to try an Australian kiss? It is just like a French kiss, but down under
You have pretty eyeballs. Of course they’d be better if they were eyeing my pretty balls.
What’ll you say we make like Winnie-the-poo and I can get my nose stuck in your honey jar.
You look so innocent, you look so sweet, as long as I have a face, you will always have a seat.
You’re like my little toe, because I’m going to bang you on every piece of furniture in my home.
You Say: I’m jealous of your dress. She says “Why?” You say: Because it’s touching your body, and I’m not.
You are so selfish! You’re going to have that body the rest of your life and I just want it for one night.
You know how some men buy really expensive cars to make up for certain shortages? Well, I don’t even own a car.
Since we’ve been told to reduce waste these days, what you say we use these condoms in my pocket before they expire.
Write the following on a napkin and give it to a cute girl: “Smile if you want to have S#x with me.” Watch her smile!
Try me once and if you don’t like it, what have you wasted? What, six hours of your life? It’d be more if you want foreplay.
About Annie Rosy
Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.
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