[Top 30] Dr. Seuss Hooters Pick Up Lines

by Annie Rosy

Hop on pop?
Fish! I’ll do it!
Hey, you wanna, hop on pop
Wanna see my cat inna hat?
Marvin K. Mooney, will you please come now?!?
That’s not the only place this Sneetch has a star, Baby.
Is that a Cat in your Hat or are you just happy to see me?
[Top 30] Dr. Seuss Hooters Pick Up Lines
[Top 30] Dr. Seuss Hooters Pick Up Lines
How’d you like to be in my next book: ‘Great Legs and A$$’?
Have you ridden a golden croc? Or would you prefer my c0©k?
Did you read Dr. Seuss as a kid? Because green eggs and… damn!
Hey, sleep with me.I am not scary.I’m really rich.I’m Drew Carey.
I love someone who knows what wine goes with red fish or blue fish.
would you could you, suck my c0©k?would you could you, by the dock?
I may not like Green ham or eggs, but I sure love your long, thin legs.
From far or near or here or there, haven’t I seen you before somewhere?
I hate this place – the crowd’s so phony! Say, care to ride me like a pony?
My heart ain’t the only thing two sizes too large, if you know what I mean.
Sally from Whoville, what’s your sign? Let’s blow this joint — your thneed or mine?
I said what I meant, I meant what I said,I’m hung like an elephant,Just bring me to bed.
Each book makes a million, a zillion, or three. Would you, could you, come home with me?
I am Sam.Sam I am.Would you, could you, like to date?Would you, could you, like to mate?”
Of all the beaches and all the bars,We’ve met here — two Sneetches — with stars upon thars.
I came without condoms.I came without pills.I came inside hotties and gave them the thrills.
On a boat, in a car, with your toes all curled – Oh, the places we’ll go when I rock your world!
It’s too cold to go out.It’s too wet to play ball.So let’s sit in this bar,And do nothing at all.
In all of Hooterville, where there’s Hooters supreme, yours are the best of the Hooters I’ve seen!
With a figglefluff there, in the tall greenest grA$$. I couldn’t help notice your magnificent A$$.
I’ve danced with Thing 1, and held hands with Thing 2.But not a creature in Whoville compares to you
Have you tried this new drink? You know that you should. It has both parts fizzhoofink, and both parts are good.
I’ll do it with you in a carI’ll do it with you in a barI’ll do it with you in my bedI’ll do it with you on a sled
Could you do it with a friend?Could you do it end to end?Could you do it nude with me?Could you do it while I see? Hee hee hee..
I do not like my wife, you see.I do not like her, no sirree.Her looks accuse, her words disparage,And so we have this open marriage.
Hi there girl, you look so great,Would you kindly be my date?Get to know me, I’m a perfect manNow would you? Could you? Get in the van?

About Annie Rosy

Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.

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