Top 40 Clexa Pick Up Lines

by Annie Rosy

You wear your heat on the sleeve?
No,But you wear your heart in your eyes.
Sneaky lexa is Sneaky!
“Clarke, Smile if you want me.”
don’t smile!don’t smile its a trap!
Shit! i am totally smiling!
oh well rules
I’ve got skittles in my mouth. Wanna taste the rainbow?.
Hey clarke, whats the difference between my face and my couch?
one’s more fun to sit on.
Hey did it hurt?when i fell from heaven.
no when you broke from the earth’s crust ascending from hell.
Hey clarke, people say i am strong.
cause i can pick you up.
Top 40 Clexa Pick Up Lines
Top 40 Clexa Pick Up Lines
Hey lexa,How are you?
I’m Gay. I am great.
Hey Clarke is your name ‘lucky chrams’?
lexa you just said my name.
cause you’re magically amazing.
its delicious
what is?
the pick up lines..
hey clarke i have been thinking, we should eat some of those hallucinogenic nuts from season one
chill out ya kno.together.
Lexa??? yeah ok why tho
because i am nuts about you.
stop being rude & start being nude.
clarke is your name wifi?
you just said my name.
is your daddy a leprechaun? cause irish you were naked.
my dad is dead…shuu
do you know why clarke choose me?
because i am a candlegirl.
seriously lexa no more pick up lines
k fine
you’re so beautiful, you made me forget my pick up lines anyways.
clothes will be 100% off
how are you feeeling?
i am fine
i said how are you feeling,i didn’t ask how you looked.
roses are read..violes are blue.
i suck at poetry show me your b@@bs.
lexa are you a software update?
because not right now.
lexa stares at clarke b@@b
Lexa, my eyes are not there.
But your b@@bs are.
clarke from sky people, i heared you are good at algebra.
Hey mom can i stay at alexa’s tonight
Mom: will there be boys?
Lexa:over my dead body
are you my vessel
cause i would love to get inside you.
clarke, are you looking for a tree topper?
cause i have been told i am star at top.
hey clarke, nice pants
can i test the zipper
clarke, i can’t do this anymore,titus help me
Clarke comes back to Polis from her visit to Arcadia
Lexa,Are your legs tired?
Clarke,I was just riding a horse, so n-Lexa
Because you’ve been running through my mind all week!
Now f$$k me Clarke,
i mean fight me, damnnn auto correct
this is verbal conversation.
go on ask me out
fine, get out.
when lexa has been dead for 131 years,
now yet she is still running the show
Clexa Pick Up Lines
Clexa Pick Up Lines

About Annie Rosy

Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.

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