[Top 50] Lord of the Rings Pick Up Lines That are Precious!
by Annie Rosy
Just wait until sunset — that’s when I’m going to open your secret door.
Girl, you’re glowing. Are there orcs nearby or are you just glad to see me?
Are you Gandalf because you have me seeing fireworks.
I’ll take you there and back again.
Watch out, girl. I’m about to rescue you from Lonely Mountain.
Want to come back to my place and smoke a little Long-bottom leaf?
Elen Sila lumen’ omen tie VO. (“A star shines on the hour of our meeting”)
Were you forged by Sauron because you look precious?
My feet are bigger than Bilbo’s, and you know what they say about big feet.
Is your name Smaug because you look like you have loads of treasure in your cave.
Did it hurt? When did you fall from the Timeless Halls?
I may look short, but that’s only CGI.
Were you born from Smaug’s mouth because you came out hot?
About Annie Rosy
Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.
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