Why did the chicken take so long to cross the road?There was no eggs-press lane!
Why did the egg regret being in an omelet?It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be!
How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape during the off season?He gets lots of eggs-ercise!
A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.How did the omelet find out she was ill?She had an eggs-amination!
What is an egg’s least favorite day of the week?Fry-day, of course!
Why did the new egg feel so good?Because he just got laid!
What’s the worst crime as far as an egg is concerned?Poaching!
Best Egg Easter Pick Up Lines
Where can you go to learn more about eggs?A hen-cyclopedia!
What do you call a smart omelet?An egg head!
How can you tell where the Easter Bunny has been?Eggs marks the spot!
Why did the Easter egg hide?He was a little chicken!
Be careful what you say around egg whites. Everyone knows they can’t take a yolk.
How do you make an egg roll?Just give it a little push!
Why were the eggs running?Because they were afraid of being beaten!
Why does the Easter Bunny paint eggs?Because it’s too hard to wallpaper them!
Did you hear about the hen who laid her egg on an axe? She wanted to hatchet.
How does the Easter Bunny feel after he’s made all his deliveries?Eggs-hausted!
What did Snow White name her hen?Egg White!
Happy Easter to a good egg!
Easter is the one time of year when it’s good to put all your eggs in one basket.
Have an egg-cellent Easter!
Color me egg-cited to wish you a Happy Easter!
I’m egg-static to have you as a friend. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to some-bunny who always cracks me up!
Hope you have an eggs-tra special Easter!
May the Easter Bunny spare no egg-spense with your basket this year!
Wishing you a basket full of egg-citement this Easter!
It’s do or dye time – Easter is here!
Just wanted to eggs-press warm wishes for you this Easter!
You must be an Easter Egg, because I’m dyeing to get to know you better.
I’ve been wanting to talk to you all night. I was a little chicken, so my friends egged me on.
I’d like to sample what’s in your Easter basket.
I don’t usually put all my eggs in one basket, but you are eggs-actly what I’m looking for.
You’re the hottest chick I’ve ever seen, and that’s no eggs-aggeration.
You seem like a good egg. Want to beat it out of here and scramble to someplace more private?
You seem like a cool chick. Let’s hatch a plan to spend some time together.
You must be an Easter egg, because I’ve been hunting for you everywhere.
You must be an Easter egg, because your body is crackin’.
Is that a hard-boiled Easter egg in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
Why did the chicken take so long to cross the road?There was no eggs-press lane!
Why did the egg regret being in an omelet?It wasn’t all it was cracked up to be!
How does the Easter Bunny stay in shape during the off season?He gets lots of eggs-ercise!
A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
How did the omelet find out she was ill?She had an eggs-amination!
What is an egg’s least favorite day of the week?Fry-day, of course!
Why did the new egg feel so good?Because he just got laid!
What’s the worst crime as far as an egg is concerned?Poaching!
Where can you go to learn more about eggs?A hen-cyclopedia!
What do you call a smart omelet?An egg head!
How can you tell where the Easter Bunny has been?Eggs marks the spot!
Why did the Easter egg hide?He was a little chicken!
Be careful what you say around egg whites. Everyone knows they can’t take a yolk.
How do you make an egg roll?Just give it a little push!
Why were the eggs running?Because they were afraid of being beaten!
Why does the Easter Bunny paint eggs?Because it’s too hard to wallpaper them!
Did you hear about the hen who laid her egg on an axe? She wanted to hatchet.
How does the Easter Bunny feel after he’s made all his deliveries?Eggs-hausted!
What did Snow White name her hen?Egg White!
Happy Easter to a good egg!
Easter is the one time of year when it’s good to put all your eggs in one basket.
Have an egg-cellent Easter!
Color me egg-cited to wish you a Happy Easter!
I’m egg-static to have you as a friend. Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to some-bunny who always cracks me up!
Hope you have an eggs-tra special Easter!
May the Easter Bunny spare no egg-spense with your basket this year!
Wishing you a basket full of egg-citement this Easter!
It’s do or dye time – Easter is here!
Just wanted to eggs-press warm wishes for you this Easter!
About Annie Rosy
Annie is a writer who likes to focus on funny pick up lines. She enjoys making people laugh and feel good, and thinks that using a clever line can be the perfect way to start a conversation. When she's not writing, Annie loves spending time with her friends and family. She's always up for trying new things, and is always looking for ways to make life more fun.